benefits connected growth header image
Student well-being is an antidote to stress & anxiety.

Grit & Self-Regulation

Self-regulation helps teens build cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving –which positively impacts their confidenceAl-Bataineh, A.T., Brenwall, L., Stalter, K., & York, J. (2019). Student growth through goal setting. The international journal of learning, 11, 147-161. & resilience!

The CU-SMART Goal Program encourages reflection & self-regulation to help build student agency.

Related StudyOntai, D. (2021). Reflections on Teacher’s Role in SRL. Academia Letters, Article 248.


Accountability Matters

Accountability Partners (or Goal Buddies) are a proven way to increase focus and commitment toward ones’ goal.

CU-SMART is developed to include a supportive experience for teens through collaborative learning.

Related StudySorrentino, D. M. (2006). The SEEK mentoring program: An application of the goal-setting theory. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 8(2), 241-250.
