Goal Buddy

A better way to achieve goals is in good company
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Accountability Partners (or Goal Buddies) are a proven resource to help achieve our goals, no matter what type of goal we want to achieve.
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The true value of this resource is most appreciated by Students, as they navigate the CU-SMART Goals Program.
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A Goal Buddy keeps students focused throughout the program, while reminding them about who they’re capable of becoming. Both failure and successes are acknowledged and celebrated. Reflection is shared and appropriate adjustments are made to goals or action items.

Goal Buddies Are…

Willing to spend time each week to help reflect on their progress and how they might improve.

Reliable, trustworthy, and 100% committed

Open-minded, helping students avoid a fixed mindset

Good role models, pursuing healthy, ethical goals in their own lives.

Family members, friends, coaches, or mentors over the age of 21.

Able to have difficult conversations and give direct feedback

With the Goal Buddies help students will

Increase their ability to achieve their goals
Develop metacognitive skills and student agency
Build grit and resilience to deal with tough situations